Lunch With Socrates

An Opportunity for High School Youth

Do you love thinking about Big Questions?
What makes a good life?
Is there such a thing as truth, and if there is, how is it found?
Is there such a thing as free will?
Why is there something rather than nothing?
How can we know the “right” thing to do in complicated situations?

If the answer is yes, we’d love you to join us for our Sunday Lunch Philosophy Discussion Group at First Parish Church of Berlin (lunch provided).

Designed for youth who come from any faith tradition or no religious background at all — this is a secular discussion group. We’ll use short readings from historical and contemporary philosophy or video clips from movies or TV shows that help us uncover what we really think about our life and our world.

No homework, no grades — just an opportunity to ask deep questions in a casual, fun and low-stress environment.

When: 6 Sundays, October 17th – November 21st, 12-1:30
Cost: Free
Where: The Children’s Church (yellow building) at 24 Central Street in Berlin.
Please bring layers for comfort — we will plan to meet outdoors if the weather cooperates.
Who’s invited: Any high-school aged youth with interest (Know someone who is slightly younger but might appreciate the opportunity? Contact us and we’ll talk.)
Leaders: Rev. Janet Newton, former high school and community college philosophy teacher and Victoria Gaisford, B.A. Philosophy

For more information or to express interest, please email Rev. Janet at or phone/text her at (978)592-2329.

Do you know someone else who might be interested? Please spread the word!